EUROUTIL has ended its first internal Communication Campaign


Following the last strategic annual meeting, EUROUTIL established as a priority for 2020 the promotion of its Behaviour Standards and Values. They are part of our day to day activity, and it is important that internally we integrate and support something so essential for the well-being of those who work within the company. 

The objective of these campaigns is to strengthen our Behaviour Standards and Values, which ultimately define our corporate culture.

Through various campaigns, information will be provided and we will be enriched with feedback. Tips, surveys and activities are some of the tools used and that will accompany us from now on. 

In this campaign, our first results:


.- Greater use of digital media as a means of communication. It is not easy but little by little we are getting used to consulting the Communication Portal of our intranet, to using the "contact" section, to realizing that the notice board and paper are no longer the main ways of communicating. 


.- Show that every opinion counts, through a survey, and motivating feedback every time we share content. Either anonymous or nominative, it is important that we move forward taking into account who are the main actors in this process, and what better way than by co-creating together.


.- Inspiration!! 4 communication tips have been transmitted, extolling the typical mistakes we make in our daily communication, both in our personal and professional lives. It is difficult to "change the chip", very difficult to modify our habits, but this effort translates into an improvement that adds a great deal of value. 


It is just the first of many, and we have already started.